Belgian Presidency of the Council: A Retrospective


Belgian Presidency of the Council: A Retrospective

With the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union wrapping up at the end of June, we are delighted to give our members a review of the past six months with MEP Johan Van Overtveldt, Chair of the European Parliament Budget Committee.

The Presidency has successfully closed over 60 legislative files since January and progressed on many more, encompassing artificial intelligence, climate emissions, migration, corporate due diligence, cybersecurity, media freedom and social rights.

Mr Van Overtveldt, recently rated one of the Parliament's most influential members, has led parliamentary scrutiny over the Belgian Presidency from a financial angle. A former Belgian Minister of Finance, he is uniquely placed to present a detailed and comprehensive account of the Belgian Presidency, its key files, and long-term impact on the EU and Belgium. 

This event falls just after the European and Belgian elections, and members will gain a better understanding of the dynamics and composition of the next legislature, as well as insight into the process of forming a Belgian government in the aftermath of the federal elections.

For those interested in sponsorship opportunities, or if you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Elise Loncol at

MEP Johan Van Overtveldt



Date & Time
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
12:00 14:30 (Europe/Brussels)

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+32 2 540 90 30

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